Friday, May 8, 2015

Maybe "Coffee?" is a code.

Maybe walking up to the door is code for, "Excuse me good sir, Is this where you keep the old naked women on display in a big plastic box? "
  Every voice in my head or hair standing up on the back of my neck said, DO NOT GO IN THERE.
     In all honesty I was not totally blameless. I had showed up at a place down the road two hours early and had the choices of hanging out with two "hosts" until the crowd (what/who ever that was) came in or finding a taxi to take me back uptown or walk  down to the main corner and find a cup of coffee. Every place was closed because it was so late but I did see this neon glow down in a car park back there a ways....
Abandon hope, all ye who enter.
It's like Jakarta all over again. A decade later and I'm still in Jakarta.

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