Thursday, May 7, 2015

LATTE RON NEUNG one hot latte coming right up.

Started my day with a nice steaming cup of my lap thank you very much.
   I went down stairs and stopped into the hotel café and a group of tourists TOURISTS!! were sitting in my spot.  Noi laughed and thought it was funny that I would have to sit someplace different. They were having breakfast before heading out and I was up early to see the temple Wat Jet Yop. so I walked around the room lookingfor aa comfortable spot and decided on the least un and sat down. Everyone was watching me as I'm sure that Noi told them how I hate changes. I got out my sketch book and pencils and got ready to start my day when she brought me my latte and set it down on my left side. My left side. The opposite side of my brain tumor. (Now I know why I hate changes.)In a few moments I reached past the coffee and when I pulled my hand back I brought the coffee with me and right into my lap. Hot, Hot coffee. I jumped up and Noi and her idiot friend laughed at the squealing falang.  So now my washed clothes are hanging over my balcony and I am Not going to have her idiot friend banned  from the hotel. That decision took six hours cooking in the sun at a temple that has no shaded place to sit. Because I'm fucking spiritual.

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