Sunday, April 24, 2016

I love America..... From Thailand

    Tragically another great musician died. BUT details of his last days are beginning to emerge, along with photos from his last days. which means  (and I'll try to be as breathless as I can) that any day now we will see ...PHOTOGRAPHS OF PRINCE LYING DEAD IN HIS ELEVATOR!! and then the American public will be satisfied with their cinematic overdose closure. Some days It's not the deep spiritual culture of southeast Asia that I love as much as my ability to avoid the soul less culture back home.
                                                   SPEAKING OF WHICH.....
I blew up tonight at the expats at the lobby bar on my way back to my room. There's a group of drunk retired guys (which is repetitious because most of the old white guys here are drunk by 10 pm.) They must all live here. It's not the kind of hotel bar that people go out  of there way for. It's a stupid little porch thing with big mosquito screened windows and a tiny hotel store that sells toothpaste and soap and toilet paper and also beer and liquor for the old fucks sitting out at the long fold out table.
    I stopped in  to get an ice cream cone out of the freezer, I haven't drank in18 years (in June). like I do every night  and have to eavesdrop on them complaining about their Thai girlfriends and how they only like them for their money. grrrrrr  "Well they're perfect for you. All you like is your money too! That's the only thing you have in common. You'll never learn anymore than 30 Thai words and those are numbers so that you know how much of your money they want." I could see a couple of the Americans getting red. Either Angry or maybe it was the alcohol, I 've never lingered long enough to know they're blood pressure level but tonite I didn't care. I put my ice cream cone back in the freezer so that it didn't get soft on me and kept going. " How much do you think a trophy wife back home would cost you?! Think it through. You're in Miami and decide to get a beautiful 25 year old Spanish girlfriend. She would cost you a fuck of a lot more than your exotic princesses here.
    'I mean, I get it. We're old and living on our social security and plus maybe a little bit of savings and we can get beautiful young girlfriends that wouldn't ever talk to  us back home. Hell I  couldn't get a girlfriend this beautiful back when I was young.  I get it. They're Asian and respect their elders and treat us a lot better than we deserve and all we have to do is not beat them up and throw a few hundred bucks to their families every once in a while. I totally get it-
    I grab my ice cream out and head for the elevator pretending to be angry to dissuade any of them from stumbling after me. When the elevator opened up and one of their girlfriends got out I smiled and greeted her with a, 'howdy do' they love that cowboy shit , and grinned all the way up to my floor where I turned on CNN and waited for the death photos of Prince. It didn't take this long for us to see Michael Jacksons corpse. We're so much better than they are by not overdosing on drugs. Drink ourselves or smoke ourselves or gorge ourselves to death is so much better. I love this brand of ice cream cones.   I want to put in some clever and relevant quote here from a Prince song but I only know a few of his songs and not well enough to steal a line from one.
                                                   WHERE'S MY DEATH PHOTO!
   One of the Thai girls felt especially sad that Prince died on the queen of Englands 90th birthday. No mother should have to live longer than her son.

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