Thursday, September 24, 2015

Be Careful What You Ask For

I'm not going to lie. On some level I had a fantasy that when I came to Thailand I would find that beautiful 20year old who would love me for me and not my money. I'm no different than any other middle age man as far as wanting to be adored. But spending months in one expat hotel after another listening to one loser after another complaining that the only thing that his young girlfriend wants is his money,
    I had given up on  the whole thing. Or at least searching for her or him. I would just meet people, go to meetings and make friends and draw the beautiful temples and photograph Chiangmai and the Thais. And so it was a good plan. Until
 My Salamay.
    I asked him what he saw in me, "You're kind."
 I was drawing the dragons at the temple (wat) around the corner from my new hotel, when one of the young monks came up and asked me to help him with his art homework. He asked his friend to run back to his room and get it. (I assume he said this because that's what happened.) Afterwards he asked me to help him on his English homework. This was all tons of fun and I spent two hours helping him pronounce the list his teacher gave him. The two we focused on was "three" and "tree". He asked me to come back the next day and I said sure, "Three at the tree" I said.  I finally had some place to be and do.  and subconsciously seduce a 19 year old virgin.
 fast forward 3 weeks and I have a novice monk sending me romantic and extremely naïve gay pictures.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Chiang Mai
I'm just going to put a bunch of photos here from Chiang Mai, Thailand so that they'll be safe.

                                                           Me and Choe
                                                   Me and Pita

                                                Pita and Choe, Novices at Wat Suan Dok